Buyer information

1. Request the catalogue

To receive the catalogues for our Deauville, Vincennes and Cabourg sales, please ask the catalogue on Catalogue request or call +33 or send an email to

All catalogues can be viewed online or on mobile website. All information here.

For any other information, do not hesitate to consult the calendar or the description of sales.


2. Get in touch with ARQANA TROT

If you are a first time purchaser at ARQANA TROT, you must register with us before the sale. All you need to do is fill in the Payment Reference and return it :

By e-mail :

By fax :

+ 33

By post :

BP 93
14803 Deauville Cedex, France


3. Seek advice from professionals

Purchasing a thoroughbred requires some specific knowledge, therefore we recommend that you get assistance from a public trainer or a bloodstock agent, they can be a helpful source of advice if you are looking at buying a horse.

Furthermore, on sales day, you can call on the vets who attend all our sales to obtain a detailed examination of the lot(s) you are interested in.

Selection of contacts (non-exhaustive list) :

4. Conditions of purchase and fees

Conduct of auction sales 

Each horse is knocked down to the highest and final bidder, who completes the transaction by signing a Purchase Confirmation. The purchaser can appoint a representative (bloodstock agent or trainer) to bid on his/her behalf. In this case, a Purchasers Authorisation must be filled in and transferred to ARQANA TROT before the sales.

Payment by the purchaser 

Auction sales are reputed to be cash sales. The purchaser must pay the full amount of the price bid by cheque or bank transfer immediately after the purchase to ARQANA TROT's accounts department.

For more information on the conditions of purchase, please read ARQANA TROT's General Conditions of Sales.

Buyers commission

The purchase price is before tax.
There is a buyers commission of 6% before tax on top of the purchase price.
VAT applies to the purchase price increased by the commission. It amounts to :

  • Rate 10% for broodmares, fillies out of training to be covered during the next breeding season, stallions and stallions shares. Besides, the VAT on the sale charges follows the rate of the product and will thus be 10% on mares, fillies, etc...
  • Rate 20% for all the other categories including horses of racing age, yearlings and weanlings.
  • 0% in certain cases of exportation.

A commision will be paid by the vendor on receipt of an invoice, for any sale with a value of at least €7000 where that horse has been bought by an agent (professional trainer or bloodstock agent) acting on behalf of an owner or for himself (see paragraph 19 in the General Conditions of Sales).

  • 10 % for any horse in training or yearling
  • 5 % for any other animal and stallions shares

Buyers guarantee

Horses offered for auction are guaranteed by the vendor against the vices listed in section 2013 of the French Rural Code, except when they have been announced from the rostrum before the sale.


Some lots can be bought back by their vendor. In this case, you have the opportunity to make a private offer :

  1. On the day of the sale : if your offer is accepted by the vendor, the purchase is completed by the signature of a Private Purchase Conformation by the vendor and yourself or your representative at the sale.
  2. After the sale : you have 10 days to submit your offer in writing. We will transfer it to the vendor and in case of acceptation, the sale will become final after a Private Purchase Confirmation has been signed by both parties.

New ! You can also make an offer via our website, a few minutes after the lot has exited the ring and for 10 days after the sale. To do so, you only need to go to the results page of the appropriate sale and click on the "Make an offer" button opposite the lot you are interested in.. 

The private sale completed in the abovementioned conditions is considered as a auction sale and the same rules apply, in accordance with the General Conditions of Sales.


6. Administrative procedures / Transport

A specific procedure must be followed so that the horse(s) you have purchased can leave the sales grounds.

Validation of the Purchase Confirmation

The paperwork corresponding to the lot(s) purchased will be delivered once the Purchase Confirmation has been approved by our accounts department.

Release of paperwork

You will receive from ARQANA TROT :

  • The horse's passport
  • The sanitary documents with the exception of the ownership card and the covering certificate
  • The release voucher, to be presented when taking the horse away

Organisation of the horse's transport

ARQANA TROT will assist you regarding the transport of your purchase(s) to France or abroad through the transport companies that are present during the sales.

Property title and exportation

Once your purchases and commissions have been settled, we will send you the covering certificate (for in foal mares) and undertake the necessary procedures with the French administration (SIRE) in order to renew the ownership card (for horses that remain in France). If the horse purchased leaves France, we will sort out the exportation procedure, whatever the country of destination...

Read the General Conditions of Sales (section 13).